Yesterday we published a strategic review of our nutrition research portfolio. It was conducted by an external, independent panel of experts who have taken a close look at current work and made recommendations going forward.
As I’ve said so many times before, good science is the backbone of everything we do and on which we base all our nutrition advice, messages and recommendations.
For this reason, it’s crucial that future nutrition research meets our evidence needs and is aligned to our strategic priorities. It goes without saying that it must also be of best possible quality and value for money.
I was very pleased to see the long list of quality research highlighted in our portfolio. This represents the Agency’s commitment to relevant and high quality science.
One area to be highlighted as an ‘invaluable investment’ is the Agency’s National Diet and Nutrition Survey. This large scale study, which is now running as a rolling programme and reports each year, looks at the population’s diet - identifying vulnerable groups and looking at trends.
As a result of the panel’s recommendations, I’ll soon be setting up a group which will help ensure the development of a co-ordinated UK nutrition research. This group will include people from Government departments, agencies and funding councils.
We are extremely proud of all the nutrition research we commission and produce. As Chief Scientist here at the Agency, it’s extremely gratifying for me to see the immense value of our nutrition work being recognised externally.